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Yarn manufacturing process?

Yarn manufacturing process?


§  Yarn is defined as a linear assemblage of the fibers twisted together.
§  The process of making the yarn from a textile fiber is called spinning

Yarn manufacturing process:
1.     Bale opener
2.     Mixing
3.     blow-room
4.     Carding
5.     Drawing
6.     Combing
7.     Simplex (roving)
8.     Spinning (ring frame)

Bale opening:
bale opening or breaking:
§  The cotton tufts are opened in this process.
§  As the cotton arrives in an extremely compressed condition the first operation is to loosen the matted fibers
§  The cotton fiber is loosen by means of rotating spiked rollers of the bale opener. 

§  This is a process of mixing the same/different category of fibers to get desired properties and cost effectiveness.
§  Mixing is done after the study of the essential properties of fiber like staple length,tensile strength, fineness, uniformity etc. 

Blow room:
§  In this process the cleaning and opening of the cotton is done by beaters and openers.
§  The foreign materials like dust particles, seeds of cotton and other impurities are partially removed in this process.
§  The cotton tufts are opened and cleaned in this process and the cotton lap is made out. 

§  carding is the heart of spinning in this process the minute impurities like small seed particles,immature fibers etc. Are removed.
§  The straightening and aligning of fibers are done in this process.
§  In carding the blow room lap is attenuated to the card sliver. 

Draw frame:
§  Through drafting fibbers get paralleled
§  Up to eight carded slivers are fed into the draw-frame and they are stretched/straightened and made into a single sliver.
§  Also fiber blending can be done at this stage.

Simplex (roving frame):
§  Further drafting is done here to get the fibers more aligned/paralleled.
§  The sliver from draw-frame is thicker and will be difficult to be fed into the ring-frame as is, hence here the slivers are stretched and were made thinner by drafting and mild twisting (so as to strengthen the roving).
§  The end-product from the simplex is called as roving. 

Ring frame (spinning):
§  The roving is fed into the ring-frame and is made into yarn by further drafting & twisting.
§  To draft the roving until the required fineness is achieved
§  To impart strength to the fiber, by inserting twist.
§  Depending upon the yarn count required , the drafting and twisting can be adjusted.

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