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Classification or Types of yarn according to the twist direction?

Classification of yarn according to the twist direction?


Yarn twist: Twist is that the spiral arrangement of the fibres around the axis of the yarn. Revolving one end of the fibre strand whereas the other end is command stationary produces twist. Twist binds the fibres on and offers the little stuff strength. It’s the way to vary the appearance of materials. the quantity of twists is explicit as turns per in they have a right away relating the worth.
The twist is that the spiral arrangement of the fibers around the axis of the yarn. Higher twist that yields lower productivity.
Direction of Twist
The direction of twist is delineated as
1. S-twist and
2. Z-twist.

A yarn has S-twist if once command throughout a vertical position, the spiral confirm the direction of slope of the central portion of the letter “Z”. Z-twist is that the conventional twist used for weaving yarns. the majority of single yarns are spun with the twist in Z-direction.

The Amount of Twist varies with
1. The length of fibres
2. the dimensions of the yarn
3. The meant use

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