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Classification or Types of Yarn According to Yarn Structure?

Classification of Yarn According to Yarn Structure?


The yarn is a continuous strand, which is made of natural or synthetic fiber, or material twisted or laid together that can be made into a textile fabric. So, an endless twisted strand of natural or synthetic fibers used in weaving or knitting to supply the fabric.
Classification of yarn:
Classification in step with their structure
The yarn is additionally divided into three varieties in step with their structure. they are as follows:
1. Single yarn/staple fiber yarn / spun yarn: By mechanically assembly or twisting of staple fibers on spun yarns are created. Ring spinning, Rotor spinning, wrap spinning, Air-jet spinning etc. machines are accustomed produce this single yarn or spun yarn.

2. Ply yarn: For traditional textile and clothing producing single yarn is employed. however, ply yarns are typically required to get special yarn options such as:
To ensure high strength

For gaining special properties:
A ply yarn is usually known as folded yarn conjointly. it's created by twisting 2 or a lot of single yarn along.
Another is cabled yarn that is created by twisting 2 or a lot of ply or folded yarn. The direction of twisting of yarn to form ply yarn is defined as S or Z twist. usually, the folding twist is within the opposite direction to it of the single yarn.

Single yarns are utilized in the bulk of fabrics for traditional textile and clothing applications, however, so as to get special yarn options, notably high strength and modulus for technical and industrial applications, ply yarns are typically required. A folded or ply yarn is created by twisting 2 or a lot of single yarns along in one operation, and a cabled yarn is made by twisting along 2 or a lot of folded yarns or a mixture of folded and single yarns. The twisting along of many single yarns.

1. folded or ply yarn
2. 3 folded or ply yarn
3. Four folded or ply yarn
4. Three fold, 2 fold Cabled yarn
5. Two fold, Two fold, and 2 fold Cabled yarn
6. Core spun yarn

Increases the tenacity of the yarn by up the binding in of the fibers on the outer layers of the part single yarns. Ply yarns are a lot of normal, smoother and harder wearing. The direction of twisting is chosen as S or Z, while in single yarns. usually, the folding twist is among the other direction to that of the single yarns.

3. Filament yarn:
The yarn that is created from one or a lot of continuous strands is termed filament yarn. In filament yarn, every part filament that is employed to form this filament yarn runs the complete length of the yarn.
A filament yarn is created from one or a lot of continuous strands known as filaments wherever every part filament runs the complete length of the yarn. Those yarns composed of 1 filament are known as monofilament yarns, and those containing a lot of filaments are referred to as multifilament yarns. for apparel applications, a multifilament yarn could contain as few as 2 or 3 filaments or as several as fifty filaments. In carpeting, for instance, a filament yarn might contain many filaments, most manufactured fibers are created within the variety of a filament yarn.
Silk is the only major natural filament yarn.
1.     Mono Filament
2.     Multi-filament
a)     Bulk Multi-filament
b)    Flat Multi-filament
c)     Twisted Multi-filament

Mono Filament yarn: Those filament yarns which are made from one filament is called monofilament yarn.

Multifilament yarn: Those filament yarns which are made from more filaments is called multifilament yarn. Texturing is that the main methodology wont to manufacture the bulked filament yarn. Silk is that the solely major natural filament.

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