What is Woven Fabric? Types of Woven Fabric? Used of Woven Fabric? 29.12.17 4 What is Woven Fabric? Types of Woven Fabric? Used of Woven Fabric? Answer: Woven fabric: Woven fabric only stretches diagonally on t...
Properties and characteristics of Fabrics? 29.12.17 7 Properties and characteristics of Fabrics? Answer: Properties and characteristics of Fabrics: A typical building fabric consists of t...
Yarn Quiz Part - 05 28.12.17 0 Yarn Quiz Part - 05 1. What process is used after simplex? Spinning frame Ring frame Roving Frame 2. What is the prod...
Yarn Quiz Part-04 28.12.17 0 Yarn Quiz Part-04 1. If H-bond present in fiber then fiber gets more strength? Yes No None None 2. How can short fibre ...
What is Fabric? Types of fabric? 25.12.17 0 What is Fabric? Types of fabric? Answer: Fabric: Fabric is cloth or different material created by weaving along cotton, nylon...
Yarn Quiz Part-03 25.12.17 0 Yarn Quiz Part-03 1. What do you mean by WIRA? Wool international research association Wool international research agent ...
Yarn Quiz Part-02 25.12.17 0 Yarn Quiz Part-02 1. In immature fibre, dye absorption is high? No Yes None 2. What is staple length? The average le...
Flow chart of Fabric Manufacturing? 24.12.17 0 Flow chart of Fabric Manufacturing ? Answer: Flow Chart of Weaving: Yarn from spinning section ↓ Doubling and Twisting ↓ ...
What is count? Types of Count? 24.12.17 1 What is count? Types of Count? Answer: Yarn count: The yarn count is a numerical expression which defines its fineness or coarsene...
Yarn Quiz Part-01 24.12.17 0 Yarn Quiz Part-01 1. What is the first process of machine in yarn production? Lap Blow room Carding 2. What is the se...
Others Yarn Faults or Defects? 18.12.17 0 Others Yarn Faults or Defects? Answer: These faults are mainly categorized as below: 1. Frequently occurring faults (analyzed by ust...